First Blog Post - Get to know me, please?


Woo! Isn't it getting you guys pumped up! I'm just joking... #coughiactuallyamnot

Hi guys, welcome to my blog! I'm probably just another random blogger that you end up opening after several clicking of hyperlinks. Or you might be testing if this url is used. But either way, I'm just going to say hi and brief you up a bit about my self and some of the post that I might make.

I'm 15, female, and I do have thoughts and opinions. I love the colour burgundy, teal, rose gold, beige, warm yellow, the blue hues, red, black, and white. I'm not sure if that's really an important part of the introduction but I'm just going to tell you. Other than that I love reading, watching, browsing, tumblring  (apparently Blogger wants me to write "tumbling" instead of "tumblring". Sorry blogger, that's just never going to work between us) pinteresting, and youtubing. No, I do not make videos like Jenna Marbles where she has millions of fewers, nor the amazing Janoskians who always appear hot in every video there ever is, I just simply watch them. Oh and if you're wondering, I do love Zoella from zoella28039.

About this blog, I haven't really decide what to do here. I might telling you guys about my day (?) - I just hope that you won't get bored with all of the whining. I might be making an everyday all around blogging post. Or just be posting some random notes that I want to save so that, if by any chance I have amnesia, I can remember. All in all, I think i'll just go with the flow of what I feel like blogging. Are you guys with me? Come on. Stay with me... maybe until I somehow abandon it.

chicken feather

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