August's Bloody Week: Day 3


Alright, so much for the random header... But hi :D
Whoa, what day is this? It's day three? Where's day two?
I know that you guys doesn't even know or care where's my post for day 2. But if you do, well I forgot to do it and yesterday was the most lazy of all lazy days ever, and it was my dad's birthday too. So no weird excuses, whatsoever, and yea...

Today wasn't that much of a roller-coaster-pain-in-my-crotch but I have, literally, been really claustrophobic (God knows why). It was the weirdest feeling ever, and I know that I've sometimes experienced being really uncomfortable around enclosed-small-spaced areas but it's probably still in a normal level of being uncomfortable.

So I went to this new mall and new store today and Oh my God, it was so packed up. People were walking past by me and just slapping around their arms to my face, my body, my bag, and even my private areas #coughboobs. But that wasn't just it. The thing about walking to a crowded store alone is that you may somehow...

1. Caught up with another family and being stuck in their protective territorial inner circle

2. Got unintentionally raped with all the lady's crazy-ass heavy bag

3. Stepped on your foot with super sharp heels

4. Turn into a freakin bull and just charge through the aisle, pushing and pissing people off

5. Being really claustrophobic or getting a panic attack and just turn into a stone in the middle of all the rushing people, who sort-of acted like hyped salmons migrating and flapping around to the river to lay eggs #Idowatchnatgeowoo

And if you guys don't know what salmon migration looks like, let me show you a picture that i took from the great and powerful Google

If that is the interpretation of what it was like today, then I probably was the annoying rock standing in the middle there

I know that it sounds crazy, but i seriously turned into a stone in the middle of everyone's way and just stand there for like 30 seconds or 1 minute or I-don't-even-know minute, trying to clear my head through all of the people's face that passed by me. Like what? I've never had anything like that before!

I guess that is it for now, I'll see you next time, probably in the next post so yea bye :)


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