February's Bloody Week : Day 5

Cracker Pie Yoghurt Baloney

Have you guys seen my new title?
"Not So Cool But Somewhat Awesome"

It's awesome right?
Nevermind, I don't really get it either.

Whoo. Guess what? Today teachers are so pissed of at everyone. Not specifically every single one of us but us in general. Our mock test scores were horrible and everyone got bellow A. Which basically means that there are 5 people who got Bs and the rest got lower than E. #handsup #yup50isanF
I don't really get the ABC grading term so I guess that the letter F can also mean 'Fail' or... i don't even know. Great thing was that everyone got it so I couldn't be blamed (just yet) for getting bad scores.

My friends and I started laying back off and chilling after the Mock exams were done. No homeworks, party after school, mall on the weekend, no lessons and free time.Woo!
Hold on let me give that a recap.
My friends and I started hitting our butts off and cutting our necks off our school projects. No recess, essays during lunch, tutored on the weekend, remedial after school and definitely no free time. Woo!

Hey, but here I am having only 5 minutes to talk to yo guys about what I did today and why it was simply OK.
The term "OK" here should clearly be defined:
- All my friends came to school
- Everyone talked about stuff
- I ate fried rice
- I finished the teriyaki sauce
- Realising the fact that i'm not going to school tomorrow
- Skipping lessons for art competition prep
- Having absolutely no idea what this post will be about
- Not caring about getting an F on Biology
- Just ate the best dish ever. Like EVER.
- Potatoes are awesome

The fact that I should be taking a bath now actually bothers me since my mom can be coming to check me out by the next 30 second of my life and made me not browse around the internet outside of school days.
Not getting too personal.
So that's that and it's the basic recap to my whole entire day.. and.... sooo... bye guys! See ya :D


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