December's Bloody Week: Day 2


Woot woot! *Somewhatpartydancemove
Omg, I haven't got any cramps today! I'm feeling utterly blessed today! Thank you God!

Ok so basically I just packed the my basic humanitarian needs for tomorrow's trip. Guess where I'm going? Haha, I'm now going to be that annoying spoiled girl who's acting like everybody cares about her.
Anyways, just to clear things up I'm going for a 10 days trip so it may be hard for me to get things going on this blog. But don't worry, since you guys miss me ( and I know you don't) I'll still be trying to get in touch.
So I just realized that tomorrow is Christmas guys. I mean I know that Christmas is on the 25th but, I just realized, realized. So basically I got my dad, and brother a present but I really don't know what to give for my mom. After all the tantrums I went through yesterday I forgot to tell you guys that I actually went to the mall because I was looking for Christmas present. Well non of my family is reading this so, I'll just tell you. Basically I got my brother a DS pokémon game (I mean me and my mom got him that),  a perfume for my dad, but I have no idea what to get for my mom. Ok, maybe I just lied to you guys. I know what to get and what she wanted but I couldn't get it. Anyway, so my mom wanted this lancome lip gloss thingy in the colour 120, which is an orangey tint gloss. It looks good on her and she tried the tester on the counter yesterday but it was out of stock. So I guess that she's kind of sad. I really want to get her that but after checking on the other lancome counter they were out of stock for that colour too! I couldn't just tell her that I forgot to get her a present can I? It will totally break her heart especially since I got everyone a present but not her.
Whoa, ok. should really go for an early hunt tomorrow. And another problem to that is the fact that the road out side of my house today was extremely crowded with all the traffic. So there's no way I can get out of my house. AASD:LFj
I'm just so stressed out right now.

I'm going to continue packing my stuff for tomorrow.
Crossing my fingers so that I can get my mom a present.


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