December's Bloody Week: Day 4

Egg Chili Bean Fish

I am now safe to say that I am officially alive in New Zealand!
After watching 4 movies on the plane and all the back (and butt) ache I went through, I survived the trip!
My crazy cramps went away, and I guess that's jut God blessing me on this trip. Worse days are gone, so there's no way it'll ruin the trip. But it's just a thing about those cycles you know. You never know what the majestic organ will do next - I guess that they're just extremely moody at times.

So i first arrive in Auckland, or the so called, "most populated area" of the kiwi land. And to be honest, it is probably the least populated area I've ever been to. Nevertheless, the air is.. Omg, words can't exactly describe it! It's just perfect! Like it's not too warm, not too hot, humid enough, but doesn't make my skin all sticky and gross.

After arriving in Auckland I went to Mata-Mata and Rotorua. All along the street I've seen more horses, cows, and sheep than humans. Like, everywhere you go, it's all fields and hills perfectly grazed with farm animals. Sometimes on top if a hill, there's a tiny cottage or a huge boulder of rocks. Mphusss! (Ok that's suppose to be a mind-blown kind of sound effect) It's insane! How the hell did that boulder get into the middle of the hill? It's just insanely bizarre and gorgeous! And the roads. Oh my lamb! They are like still in the middle of a forest - A forest that is harmoniously designed with beautiful trees and bushes.
The hotel I'm in now is in Rotorua an is called the Millennium Hotel and Resort. It's nice here and yea.

I just had dinner with my family and the food was UH-MA-ZING! I'll post another post base on that though, and spam you guys with all the gorgeous food! Look out for that. But anyways, I'm typing in my phone right now since I'll have to pay for the Internet. So that sucks. I hope you guys don't mind me doing it.

Basically Rotorua has the most populated people of the Maoris, so they sell all those tribal charms. They say that it brings luck, strength, and all those other stuff.
It's pretty cool so I guess I'll just be posting a picture of it. Maybe it can bring all of my readers luck too (?)

Right so, it's already 9ish here. So not sleepy at all. I don't know what else to do especially since I only have 20 minutes of free Internet. I guess I'll leave you guys for now.


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