Opinions - Why People Change


Well here we are, my first post stating out my opinion about a certain topic.

Although, come to think of it, all the post that everyone made must've been part of their thoughts and opinions... But oh well, you get what I mean... (not)

As a brief introduction, this post was made when I was following my mom around the mall, and I did it on my phone. Which means that it's basically a random post, and not a figuratively structured speech... Ok? Oh, and if you're wondering, I'm sorry if by any chance it offended anyone. Just to get this straight, I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm just trying to let my thoughts out in a way... called blogging. And if you still don't know what it is then just open google and search it. Or call your mom. Or dog.

And now, to the actual thing why i'm posting this post.


This post may lead to depression as it is somehow depressing.. ish and full of emotionally raged words filled with rainbows and unicorns farting fire ashes.

A lot of people change because of certain reasons. In my opinion I believe that people change because they are more open to certain perspective. It's either they somehow see life in a different perspective, or their perspective expanded and became more open minded. People who change their perspective into the better are people who should be respected, because trust me, it is not easy at all. Unfortunately others who change their perspective into the negative ones are the ones we should be sorry for. No, we shouldn't be mad at them; we should simply be sorry for them.
Because these people had actually been through a phase where their minds were poisoned and trashed and twisted into millions and millions of stupid things. We should feel sorry that their mind is so vulnerable to these random shiznits.

I know it's not much. But i'll just tell you guys anyway. Because if somehow you readers have the same feelings and point of view on this topic, we'll be the best fire ashes farting unicorns. EVER. 

OH GOD. I know that this is so out of context but while I was searching for the unicorn picture above, google suggested that there's such thing as chinese unicorns. Chinese unicorns. Wow google. Wow China. Chinese people. YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL. Soon enough humans will be mutated with unicorns and we'll all be in different races of unicorns. Universities will no longer be called uni, because we unicorns will call ourself unis, and that universities will be called farmities. WEE. 

Dear my school ITs expert, don't worry i'm not on drugs while posting this. You guys don't have to report me to the principal so that I will get expelled. Cheers


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